The plains Zebra in Southern Africa regularly undergo the longest migration on the continent, travelling over 300 miles in their migration. This new discovery was uncovered using GPS technology over a 2 year study.
The migration took part across Botswana and Namibia, stretching from the Nxai Pan National Park, Botswana to the Namibian Chobe River. We love the Zebra migration, it is an amazing experience. It is wonderful to have this research done and the findings published.
This research is important as we are living in an age where wildlife populations are decreasing, and man made structures and interference are creating barriers to natural migration patterns and routes. These patterns existed long before there were any people in the area and can wreck havoc on the migration of these animals.
The research will help conservation scientist determine effective ways to safeguard and preserve migratory patterns and also highlight the importance of trans-frontier conservation areas.
“Zebras leave their trails across 300km of grassland in Botswana on an annual migration that begins with the first rains.”
The best time to witness the great Zebra Migration in the Magadigadi is in the Green Season. As these magnificent creatures move through Botswana, they “run the gauntlet of death” (Patterns in the Grass) Follow the migration with the thrill and excitement of the chase by the various predators
We would be delighted to talk to you about how you can be a part of this ancient and spectacular phenomenon